Coming Soon
McGreevy K, Horvath S. and Telesca D. Pseudo Copula Transformations for Large Scale Missing Data Imputation of Methylation Data.
Marco N. Senturk D. Jeste S., DiStefano C., Dickinson A., Telesca D. Flexible Regularized Estimation in High-Dimensional Mixed Membership Models. [arxiv]
Marco N., Senturk D. Jeste S., DiStefano C., Dickinson A., Telesca D. Functional Mixed Membership Models. [arxiv]
Marco N., Senturk D. Jeste S., DiStefano C., Dickinson A., Telesca D. Covariate Adjusted Functional Mixed Membership Models.
Shamshoian J., Senturk D., Jeste S., Telesca D., Bayesian Covariance Regression in Functional Data. [arxiv]