Biostat 406 - Spring 2023 - Syllabus.pdf

  • Instructor: Donatello Telesca (dtelesca at ucla dot edu)

  • Lecture: TR - 4:00PM-5:20PM - [PUB HLT 41-268] - Zoom

  • Lab 1A : M - 9:00AM - 9:50AM - [PUB HLT 61-235] - Zoom

  • Lab 1B : F - 12:00PM - 12:50PM - [PUB HLT A1-241] - Zoom

  • Office Hours: [TR: 5:20PM - 6:00PM] - Zoom

  • Teaching Assistant:

  • Kristen McGreevy : Office hour [M 10:00AM-11:00AM - Zoom]


Submission Document Example: [HWexample.pdf, HWexample.Rmd]

Schedule of Lectures



5 Take Home Assignments 100% Due date on HW

Reading List

  1. Required

    [AMRC] Afifi, A., May, S. and Clark, VA. Practical Multivariate Analysis. CRC Press. [6th Edition, preferred]

  2. Recommended

    [JWH] James G., Witten, D., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R. Springer. (*e-book from the library)

  3. Recommended

    Dalgaard P. Introductory Statistics with R (Second Edition). Springer. (*e-book from the library).

Computing and Software

Biostatistics 406 will be taught using the R computational framework, which is a powerful and freely available tool for computation, analytics and graphics.

To make the most of your first lab please follow the following steps:

  1. Install R-studio on your machine. You simply need the open-source desktop version downloadable here.

  2. The course will focus on reproducible research through dynamic/smart documentation. Please get somewhat familiar with R Markdown as a platform for document creation here. Simple installation instructions are available here. A comprehensive reference is available here.